Photo album

Several persons have helpt me to make this page bigger. To keep a reasoneble download speed I'm using thumbnails. When You like to see the normal size of a foto you click on that foto. A new window will open with that foto.
At the end of this page you find the credits.

Derk Uffelij and Everdina Bakhuis
After his sister Berendina died my father got this picture. Size one by two inch! On this picture my fathers grandmother (merried with Willem van Beek) and her second husband.

Wilhelmus Koers family
My grandparents Koers lived many years at the adres Von Hobenstraat in 's-Hertogenbosch. In the 1930's this picture is made in the garden at the back of the house. My mother is the second from left. Get a good look, the dog is also in this picture!

1958, march 15th
Wilhelmus Koers with his wife and doughter Martha. Grandsons Evert-Willem en Wilhelmus (Me!) Picture made by my father.

market at 's-Hertogenbosch
Grandparents Koers, ca. 1970 shopping at the market. Each week you could find them there at the market.

3x van Beek
Three van Beek together. Willem (Wim), Berend en Everdina Berendina (Dien) van Beek. Picture ca. 1965, taken at Schiedam

Berendiena Dieperink, widow of Evert Willem van Beek.
Picture taken at Schiedam railwaystation, together with grandson Evert Willem (my brother).

Evert Willem van Beek en Dirkje Weergang, 1954 13th may.

Berend van Beek en Martina Engelina Koers, 1946 23rd march.
Yes, my parents weddingpicture.

Berend van Beek, june 2003

Martina Engelina Koers, june 2003
My parent came to visit me, a good chance to make a picture.

Berendina Everdina van Beek.
My fathers favorit sister, was mierried with Johannes Meinster.

Berendina Meinster, doughter of Johannes en Berendina Everdina van Beek

Gerrit Johan van Beek [1430], in his garden (year 1949).
Around him his children with their husbands and wives, and his grand children.
This link wil open a new page. On it the names of the persons on the photo.

Johanna Antonia Koers, doughter of Dirk Koers en Petronella Baas

Petronella Baas, merried with Dirk Koers.
This picture is a part of a picture of Petronella and her two doughters (made ca. 1860). The next picture is also a part of it.

Elisabet Johanna Koers (ca. 1860)

Elisabet Johanna Koers

Elisabet Johanna Koers with two grandchildren ('uncle Gerard's children')

Berend v/d Berg and Elisabet Johanna Koers

Leiden, Doelengracht, 2003 september.
This is one of the places where Dirk Koers has stayed. It's a part of a armycamp. This and another gate is togheter with the building to the right (arsenaal) al thats left from it. To the left the Doelengracht, the adress where one of his children is born.

Johannes en Metje Koers, december 6th 1985, 100st birthday Johannes.

Johannes & Metje Koers, in care-home, under painting of their fathers farm (between 1986 & 1988).

painting of farm Bastiaan Koers [148], father of Metje Koers.

Farm Bastiaan Koers [148].

Farm Bastiaan Koers as it looks in october 2004.

Bastiaan Koers [148], at one of his birthdays, at the Rooijensestraat, in front of his farm. Around him his children with their husbands and wives, and his grand children. (800x545 pix)
This link wil open a new page. On it the names of the persons on the photo.

F.J. van Dockum's farm, Metje Koers was merried with him. (foto fall 2004.)

Dirk Koers farm. Dirk is a grandson of Dirk Koers J.zn. In 1944/45 is the old farm destroyed by schootings in the war. After the war this farm was build.


pictures are provided by:
Berendina Meinster, The picture of herself, her mother grandmother and great-grandmother.
Also the two weddingpictures.
Tieneke Veenendaal, the pictures of Petronella Baas and her children.
hr & mw van Dockum, foto's of Metje Koers en her fathers farm.
Els Harwijnen - van Beek The photo taken at her grandfathers 30th wedding anniversary.
The two pictures taken at the de Von Hobenstraat came from my mother. They came from her aunt Cornelia Koers collection.
Other pictures came from my own collection.